The MBA program 2022-24 Batch of ISBR College, affiliated to Bangalore University, Karnataka, was inaugurated on Saturday, 6 th August , 2022, in a novel manner by distinguished personalities from the corporate world in tune with its motto of REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING. With events and live interactions back in their full form after a lull of two years, students were all geared up to embrace it and more so as campus life is a means to the learning process at a Business College. ISBR College under the stewardship of its Managing Director Dr. Manish Kothari the young edupreneur, has grown leaps and bounds in the field of management education. Today’s event had eminent dignitaries from the industry chief among them being Mr. Anil Chhikara D of BlueBolt Electric and a serial entrepreneur, M Manjula Dharmalingam a Techno Social Entrepreneur, and Mr. S Prasanna Rai Chief Marketing Officer- WIPRO Consumer Care and Lighting and Mr. Karthik M., Manager, Digital Productivity Solutions, Adobe, Bangalore.
The Chief Guest Mr. Anil Chikkara urged the students to do their best and start their entrepreneurial venture even during the college days. He elaborated on the challenges that would come in the way and advised on overcoming them. Mr. Prasanna Rai, Guest of Honour spoke about the college days and how students should make the
best use of it apart from the regular classroom learning. Ms. Manjula Dharmalingam emphasized the importance of building networks and LinkedIn profiling. She also encouraged the students to find out their passion and have connects that would nurture the same.
Mr. Karthik, the alumnus of the college gave a vivid description on the importance of attitude apart from the student acquiring the necessary knowledge and harnessing the right skills. The distinguished speakers emphasized about the student diversity – in terms of education, region, culture and how the adapting to the same assumes prominence.
In his Presidential Address, the Managing Director, Dr. Manish Kothari, stressed the importance of picking up the right skills by quoting instances from epics like Mahabharata. He also gave present- day instances of alumni of ISBR who made a difference by engaging in different ventures while they were doing the course.
The inauguration was graced by the august presence of Dr. C. Manohar, Senior Director, ISBR, Dr. K.S. Anandram, Senior Director, Dr. Y. Lakshman Kumar, Director, ISBR Business School, Dr. Nila Chotai, Director, MBA.
About ISBR: ISBR Business School, Bangalore-based, Top Class B School for PGDM or MBA, Consistently ranked as best B School in India, AICTE-CII Platinum Category, with multiple specializations